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I can help you get easy and fast F1 insights!🏎💨

What can do this bot?🤖 Hi F1 lover!

You are at the right place, I have a lot of capabilities that can help you get easy and fast F1 insights!🏎💨

Currently my main capabilities consist of:
🔔 Notifying you before race sessions.
👱🏼‍♂️ Show driver information.
🏎 Show constructor information.
🏟 Show circuit information.
🏆 Show driver and constructor standings.
🏁 Show previous Grand Prix or Qualifying results.
🗓 Show next Grand Prix schedules (including all race sessions) or show the calendar.

Use /help to show all I can do!

🤖 Hi New User!

You are at the right place, I have a lot of capabilities that can help you get easy and fast F1 insights!🏎️💨

I can also notify you about Formula 1 news and when a race session is about to start, so you won't miss out!🔔

Use the menu or commands to get started!

Use /settings to set up your timezone, news notifications and race session notifications.

Use /help to see all my capabilities!

ℹ️ Hi New User here is some help:

🔔 I'm currently in development!
My version: 1.11 March 17
Latest addition: Subscribe to news in /settings to get alerts if there is a new news post about Formula1. Added disclaimer about misinformation due to corona/COVID-19.

💬 I already have a lot of capabilities:
/standings - Show 👱🏼driver or 🏎️constructor standings for the current season or previous seasons.
/results - Show previous 🏁Grand Prix or ⏱️Qualifying results.
/schedule - Show ⏭️next Grand Prix (including all race sessions) or the 🗓calendar for the current season or previous seasons.
/driver - Show information about a 👱🏼driver from the current season.
/constructor - Show information about a 🏎️constructor from the current season.
/circuit - Show information about a 🏟️circuit from the current season.
/reddit - Show 5 🔥hot posts, 5 🆕new posts or ℹ️information about the subreddit.
/settings - Set your 🕐timezone and enable 🔔notifications.
/menu - Open the 🗂menu for easy access to my options.
/feedback - Give me feedback to make me better.
/donate - Buy me a ☕Coffee.

⚠️ Be sure to set your 🕐timezone for the schedule data to be shown correctly for you!

⚠️ Be sure to set the race sessions you want to be notified for. You'll be notified 1 hour and 5 minutes before a race session.

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

Show driver or constructor standings
Show previous Grand Prix or Qualifying results
Show next race schedule or calendar
Show information about a driver
Show information about a constructor
Show information about a circuit
Set up timezone and notifications
Open the menu
Give me feedback
Need help?
Cancel current action
See also