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@EuromillionsBot lets you check Euromillions results and receive alerts when new ones are announced.

What can do this bot?@EuromillionsBot lets you check Euromillions results and receive alerts when new ones are announced.

Source and support available @

Now, hit "Start" to start using it.

Use the options in the menu.

If you enable alerts, I'll update you when new results are announced.

I also support inline queries so you can easily tell other people the results by typing @euromillionsbot in that chat!

Do not forget to rate me!

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

receive an alert when new results are announced
last Euromillions results
generate a random key
Euromillions results for a specific date
Inline Bot

Call this bot by typing its @username and a query in the text input field in any chat.

date (YEAR-MM-DD)
See also