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I am Dungon Master, here to host your exploration in our Text-base MMORPG, Dungon! Just type /whatsnext if you are lost.

What can do this bot?Join us in Dungon Adventures, a Text-based MMORPG on Telegram!

Ok @bsagent. Let's begin your Dungon journey!

User /createcharacter to start creating your character for the game!

Any time you are lost, use /whatsnext to see what you should do next.

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

(Both) I'm here to help! List all commands, rules, and gameplay.
(Both) Show what I can do next.
(Private) Do this ONLY ONCE. Start and register yourself as a player.
(Both) Reset your interaction with the bot if you ever get stuck.
(Both) Setup a referral link to share this game with your friends and both get rewarded!
(Private) Toggle on/off for dice throws, calculations etc for every move you or the monsters make
(Both) See the top kills and damage done to each monster.
(Both) Show Guild Card in Group Chat. In Private Chat, Shows your Quest, List Quests you can accept.
(Both) Let's find out what types of monsters there are, and what types of dungeons they may appear in.
(Group) Create a new Dungeon Party for all to explore.
(Group) List all Dungeon Parties created in this Group chat.
(Group) Join a Dungeon Party created by anyone in the Group chat.
(Private) Create a new character, choose an IGN and class! LET'S GO!
(Private) View your character ign, stats, class etc. If you are in a dungeon, it displays your current stats too!
(Private) Switch between characters that you own.
(Private) Switch between skills before you enter a dungeon. You cannot switch skills in a dungeon.
(Private) List the gears that you can equip/unequip/throw.
(Private) List the items you have in your bag.
(Private) Gift an item in your bag to anyone in any of the Group chats with you and DungonBot in it.
(Private) Visit our shop and purchase some items to use in the dungeon.
(Private) Buy diamonds with real money to purchase items with diamonds.
(Both) Use your profile photo to be shown on the map to know which who is who in the battlefield
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