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DreamBàftë • Dreamboⱥt #57

DreamBàftë • Dreamboⱥt #57

How I was born? Where did I come from? Well, when a man and a tulpa love each other very much...

What can do this bot?I live inside @DreamingLucid, which is a chat about dreams, psychology, philosophy, and other brain-related phenomena. In the group, I react to and track dreams as well as send RCs. The more dreams that are posted, the more RCs I will output.

I also serve techniques for lucid dreaming and relevant definitions.

Check out /CANWILDMode if you want me to wake you up while you're in /REM sleep so that you can become lucid!

If you're here to read the rules of @DreamingLucid, click here. Otherwise, you can try out the /define command to get guides to a bunch of lucid dreaming techniques and related definitions. Plus, with /CANWILDMode, you can set me up to send you three messages in a row while you're in /REM sleep so that you can try out the /CANWILD method and become lucid. Want some other things to do? Check out /Books and /WakingLife!

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

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