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What can do this bot?Download Douyin - TikTok - Weibo - Instagram - Facebook - Xiaohongshu - Bilibili - Pinterest - Twitter (X) - Kuaishou - Xigua no watermark

Hello Info Botostore
I'm a bot for download social media inside telegram.

I can download:
+ Douyin video and images
+ TikTok video and images
+ Instagram post, reel
+ Facebook video, reel, video comment
+ Twitter (X) video
+ Xiaohongshu video and images
+ Weibo video and images
+ Bilibili video and audio
+ Get Xigua video download link
+ Kuaishou video and images
+ Pinterest video
You can send the original share message directly without needing to separate the link.

For more help, type /help.

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

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