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What can do this bot?Interactive todo lists right into your chat to help you and your teammates to getting things done. It's like mini Trello for Telegram.

Интерактивные todo листы прямо в вашем чате, чтобы помочь вам и вашей команде добиваться целей. Это как мини Trello для Telegram.

Use the following commands to controll me:

/new - create a new to-do list
/show - show current to-do list
/all - show all existing to-do lists

/help - show this help message
/rate - rate me
/tutorial - show tutorial
/settings - settings
/donate - make a donation
@dotosupportbot - get a support
@dotonews - announcements, news, (video)tips
@dotochat - chat for users

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

create a new list to do
show current list
show all my active lists
show all active lists
show help message
show settings
Inline Bot

Call this bot by typing its @username and a query in the text input field in any chat.

to-do list name
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See also