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This bot search for faces in sent photos and if it finds any face it 'replaces' them for doges.

What can do this bot?This bot search for faces in sent photos (to him privately or groups) and if it finds any face it 'replaces' them for doges. It can fail sometimes or detect faces where there is not a face (is not enough tested and trained).

Hi, I search for faces in sent photos and if I find any I replace them for doges. Very wow.

Please rate me at the @storebot following this link:

Q: Why do I need access to messages?
A: In order to get images sent to groups I need it. I don't like it either, I would prefer a system where bot developers can register atomic permissions like get-image, send-image, get-audio, send-audio, ...

The source code is licensed under GPLv3 and can be found at

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

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