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DiceDieBot simulates dice rolls and coin tosses via the custom keyboard or using /roll [custom_dice] (e.g. /roll 2d6).

What can do this bot?DiceDies simulates dice rolls and coin tosses, either via the custom keyboard or using /roll [custom_dice] (e.g. /roll 2d6).

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

Gives a brief introduction and starts the custom keyboard.
Displays detailed inf... well, you can see already.
Rolls a custom dice following the format XdY, where Y > 1 (e.g. /roll 1d6). No custom dice will roll a 2d6.
Stops the bot and closes the custom keyboard.
Keep the bot alive supporting the developer by donating via PayPal.
Inline Bot

Call this bot by typing its @username and a query in the text input field in any chat.

Roll dices
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