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Contact: @FutureDreams
Powered by: @UZPROBOYS

What can do this bot?🇺🇿 Salom! Men siz uchun RGB ranglarni tekshirib bera olaman! Kodni jo'nating va rasmni qabul qiling!
Inlayn rejimda ham ishlatishingiz mumkin!

🇬🇧 Hi! I can check RGB colors for you! Just send me the color's code and receive its pic!
You can also use in inline mode!

🇷🇺 Здравствуй! Я могу проверить цвета RGB для вас! Просто пришлите мне код цвета и получите его фото!
Вы также можете использовать в "inline" режиме!

🇺🇿 UZ: Tilingizni tanlang
🇷🇺RU: Выберите ваш язык
🇬🇧 EN: Choose your language

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

set language
Inline Bot

Call this bot by typing its @username and a query in the text input field in any chat.

write color's code
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See also