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With this bot you can share a sponsor message in multiple spam groups and channels at the same time

This bot allow you to send a sponsor message in a lot of spam groups or channels with just few clicks.

Add a group or a channel to the list
add the bot to your group or channel with admin priviledges (send messages and export chat invite link) and then use the command /add. the bot should automatically appear in the socketcreatelisten

See the groups and channels already present
use the command /list Works in private chat only. To remove a group or channel from thw list just remove it from the geoup or channel.

send a sponsor message
use the command /send in a private chat, send your message and then click 'publish'. The message will be sent Only in the groups or channels you joined.

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

send the sponsor message
send the list of channel / groups
add a new channel or group
how to use the bot
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See also