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Bot to entertain you while playing werewolf, and to meet people from our wonderful community. You'll never get bored!

What can do this bot?This bot has been created to entertain you while playing werewolf game, and to meet people from our wonderful community. You'll never get bored!

It has the newest and most revolutionary roles, game modes, items... What are you doing still here? Let's discover all of them!

Click the "START" button or write /start and follow all the instructions, the bot will teach you all the things you need.



👋 Hi my friend, I'm @Caperubetabot, and I am the newest and the most revolutionary Werewolf bot.

I've got really cool roles and fantastic game modes... what are you doing still here? Let's discover all of them!

First write /setlang and select your own language. I'll be here to solve all your doubts💋.

• If you have questions of the about the bot, you can enter in the support chat: Caperubeta Support
• Official groups: Official Groups

👋 Hi my friend, I'm @Caperubetabot, and I am the newest and the most revolutionary Werewolf moderator bot.

First write /setlang and select your own language. I'll be here to solve all your doubts💋.

• If you have questions of the about the bot, you can enter in the support chat: @caperusupport
• Official Groups:

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

An explanation about everything of the bot.
How to play.
A group to learn how to play.
Help the bot and get exclusive things.
News about the bot.
All the information about tickets
Tips for pro players.
Start a normal game.
Join a game.
Show player stats.
Flee a game.
Extend the time to join.
Know how many players are.
Bot will pm you when next game is starting.
Start a ranked game.
All existing commands.
Start a chaos game.
An unbalanced game with repeated roles.
Start a game with restricted votes.
A balanced game with repeated roles.
Tournament information.
Top 10 players.
A list of every role.
Start a game with every role that you want.
Check your inventory (tickets, scrolls, pieces, recipes).
Activate and deactivate tickets.
Check your recipes.
Craft tickets.
Recycle tickets.
Fuse tickets.
Top 10 group players.
Top 10 groups.
Show games in your name.
Show your group in your name.
Join a group.
Activate a scroll.
Type of games.
End time to join a game.
Set up the bot.
Check your achievements
Check details of an achievement
Acknowledgements to the community.
extra information.
Title symbols when you join the game.
Inline Bot

Call this bot by typing its @username and a query in the text input field in any chat.

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See also