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Chatbot Business Sector allows to manage free online booking and was created to help your clients schedule appointments online. Search "BusinessSectorBot" in Telegram to create a catalog of goods and manage clients, employees, and calendar.

Allows managing clients, employees, schedule and a catalog of goods, inside Telegram messenger.

What can do this bot?🇺🇸 Allows managing orders, clients, employees, schedule and a catalog of goods, inside Telegram messenger.

🇷🇺 Управление заказами, клиентами, сотрудниками, расписанием и каталогом товаров внутри Telegram.

Hi Bot Info Bot!

This bot keeps a schedule for people and organizations that serve customers by appointment. The /help command will tell more.

To start, you need to create your company.

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

brief info and bot privacy policy
start participate in the company
describes root menu for company
stop participate in the company
describes voice input feature
set bot language
on/off notification about changes in schedule
enable logging for your company
bot referral program
See also