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Business Pro BOT gives you realtime charts about majors and minors currency pairs, gold, indexes and cryptos

What can do this bot?Realtime Forex, Indexes, Equities and Cryptos quotes, charts and alerts

Hi New User, I'm your personal forex bot.

I can show you major pairs, equities and indexes quotes and charts in real-time, type or click:

You can open directly a symbol quote, try typing /EURUSD or click on it, or open its daily chart typing or clicking on /EURUSD_D1

You can setup custom price alerts, send me the command /pricealerts for help

You can even decide to receive notifications when important technical events occour, ie: Golden Cross, Price crosses MA 200, etc...

You can see all active alerts sending me the command /all_alerts

We also provide premium /signals, ask admin @fstraps for more info

Available languages: English (/setlang_en), Italiano (/setlang_it)

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: these are not investment advices, notifications you will receive are automatically generated by technical/chart events

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

Show BOT Help
List available FX pairs
List available trading signals
configure custom price alerts
see your active generic alerts
see all active alerts, for every pair/timeframe
Set bot language to english
Configura il bot in lingua italiana
See also