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BotFather is the one bot to rule them all. Use it to create new bot accounts and manage your existing bots.

What can do this bot?BotFather is the one bot to rule them all. Use it to create new bot accounts and manage your existing bots.

About Telegram bots:
Bot API manual:

Contact @BotSupport if you have questions about the Bot API.

I can help you create and manage Telegram bots. If you're new to the Bot API, please see the manual.

You can control me by sending these commands:

/newbot - create a new bot
/mybots - edit your bots [beta]

Edit Bots
/setname - change a bot's name
/setdescription - change bot description
/setabouttext - change bot about info
/setuserpic - change bot profile photo
/setcommands - change the list of commands
/deletebot - delete a bot

Bot Settings
/token - generate authorization token
/revoke - revoke bot access token
/setinline - toggle inline mode
/setinlinegeo - toggle inline location requests
/setinlinefeedback - change inline feedback settings
/setjoingroups - can your bot be added to groups?
/setprivacy - toggle privacy mode in groups

/mygames - edit your games [beta]
/newgame - create a new game
/listgames - get a list of your games
/editgame - edit a game
/deletegame - delete an existing game

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

create a new bot
edit your bots [beta]
edit your games [beta]
generate authorization token
revoke bot access token
change a bot's name
change bot description
change bot about info
change bot profile photo
change inline settings
toggle inline location requests
change inline feedback settings
change bot commands list
can your bot be added to groups?
link website's domain to the bot
what messages does your bot see in groups?
delete a bot
create a new game
get a list of your games
edit a game
delete an existing game
cancel the current operation
Share this bot
See also