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A bot that searches full bible verses for you. For any bug reports, enquiries, or feedback, please contact @hankertrix.

What can do this bot?Add this bot to your Christian groups and any bible verses sent in the group will be detected and sent as a reply to the original message.

You can also subscribe to receive the verse of the day with this bot.

Hello! Add this bot to your Christian group chats and any bible verses shared to the group will be automatically detected by the bot and displayed as a reply to the message with the bible verse.
You can also subscribe to the verse of the day in your group chat or through the messaging the bot with the /verseoftheday command.
To unsubscribe from the verse of the day, use the /stopverseoftheday command.
Use inline mode by tagging the bot, @bible_verses_bot, and then typing your desired verse to send the entire verse to your chat.
To see more information about the bot, use the /help command.

Hopefully this bot will help you in your journey with God!

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

Starts the bot and provides a brief description of what the bot can do
Displays more information about the bot
Send your bible verse after sending this command and the bot will reply back with the full verse
Displays the current bible version
Changes the bible version
Lists the bible versions accepted by the bot
Gets the bot to send you the verse of the day daily
Shortcut for the /verseoftheday command
Stops the bot from sending you the verse of the day daily
Shortcut for the /stopverseoftheday command
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