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Check if the user is a potential spammer

What can do this bot?Checks if the user is banned in Telegram's Anti-Spam Services like:
🔘 SpamWatch
🔘 Combot Anti-Spam System (CAS)
🔘 Spam Protection (Intellivoid)
🔘 NoSpamPlus
🔘 Spam Blockers
🔘 Owl AntiSpam

🔈 Channel - @su_Bots
👥 Group - @su_Chats

Hey there New User 👋. I am Ban Information 🤖.

I can scan members in your group against Telegram"s biggest Anti-Spam Databases like SpamWatch, so that you can know if they are spammers or not 😁.

I can currently search in:

1️⃣ SpamWatch
2️⃣ Combot Anti-Spam System
3️⃣ Spam Protection (by Intellivoid)
4️⃣ NoSpam+
5️⃣ SpamBlockers
6️⃣ OwlAntiSpam

Send /help to learn more about me and my commands.

As you would have read in the /start, I can scan members against Telegram"s leading Anti-Spam databases.

👥 Group Commands:

1️⃣ /check - Send /check as a reply to a user"s message to check the ban info of the user.
2️⃣ /check @username - Check the ban info of the user by passing the username.
3️⃣ /check userid - Check the info by passing the userid.

👤 Private Commands:

1️⃣ /start - Sends the introductory start message.
2️⃣ /help - Sends this Help message.
3️⃣ /checkme - Check the ban info of yourself.
4️⃣ Forward me any user"s message to check the info.
5️⃣ /check @username - Check the ban info of the user by passing the username.
6️⃣ /check userid - Check the info by passing the userid.

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

Initiate a user check
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