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Bot helps download video, music, podcasts, lectures, audiobooks from YouTube, VK, Vimeo to mp3, aac, ogg. Allows to listen Youtube playlist offline.

YouTube,VK audio/video downloader
Handy audio processing workstation

Chat: @mediatube_chat
Channel: @mediatube_stream

What can do this bot?🔺 Download audio/video from YouTube,VK,Vimeo

🚀 Insane download speed, single file size up to 1.5G

🎧 Formats: mp3, aac, ogg(opus). Bitrates up to 320k

🎛 Powerfull audio processing workstation
-rename, compress, convert
-cut, speed up, split
-volume change, normalize
-extract audio from any video

🎙 Realtime audio streaming via calls

📲 Super handy UI, playlist and many others...

👉 Just send a link.
For example:


Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

bot settings
FAQ + requisites + subscription
subscription for invitations
Inline Bot

Call this bot by typing its @username and a query in the text input field in any chat.

Realtime audio streams
See also