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This bot can help you debug your own bots and help you understand how the bot API works. This bot works in groups too.

What can do this bot?This bot can help you debug your own bots and help you understand how the bot API works. This bot works in groups too.

Reply with /debug to any non-bot message to get the indented JSON string of said message.
Forward a message here will directly send indented JSON back.

This bot caches messages! However the cached data is only accessible for users who can reply to a message and thus have access to it anyway.
The cache gets wiped regularly. (At least weekly or earlier if the messages need too much space) Don't expect it to work with old messages.
Nonethelress some users might not like this so please consider adding this bot only to public groups or bot testing groups.

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

Does NOT work in groups!
See also