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What can do this bot?- English -
Have fun using this bot to send anonymous messages or photos to your groups!
- Español -
¡Diviértase usando este bot para enviar mensajes o fotos anónimas a sus grupos!
- German -
Viel Spaß mit diesem Bot beim Senden anonymer Nachrichten oder Fotos in deinen Gruppenchats!
- Hebrew -
שליחת הודעות או תמונות אננימיות לקבוצות
- Italian -
Divertiti ad usare questo bot per mandare messaggi o foto anonime nelle tue chat di gruppo!

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(If you are interested in another language please tell us on Facebook:

Thanks to @y2461 for the Hebrew translation!
Thanks to @Klopper for the Portuguese translation!
Thanks to Anton for the Russian translation!
Thanks to @tomeuramis for the Catalan translation!

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

How it works
Send poll message
Send audio message
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Show the sponsor of the week
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See also