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What can do this bot?This is an Anonymous Real Time Chat, It can relay stickers,images,videos,voice notes and more(even replies) just like normal groups.

Meet with others all over the world, speak up your mind and share #anonymously, after all no one cares to know your real identity but everyone cares to get ideas from others. Chat without fear.

Further help

Press /start below to join chat, then send messages as you would in a normal group, and wait for others to reply.😜

[BOT] Supported commands:

/start - Enter an anonymous chat
/stop - Leave chat
/nick - Change nick
/list - List of users in a chat
% - Write in the third person
$ - Write hidden message
/last - Show last exited users
/msg - Send a private message
/getmsg - Get private messages
/notify - Notificatios of messages in chat
/poll - Create a poll
/polldone - End a poll
/vote - Vote
/info [CODE] - See information about a user
/slap [CODE] - Slap a user
/search [TEXT] - Search a user by a nick
/harakiri [MINUTES|R] - Make harakiri!
/ping - Check bot''s operability
/rules - Chat's rules
/about - Information about a bot

Most commands may be used in reply instead of enter CODE.

[BOT] Welcome to anonymous chat.
To leave a chat print /stop

There is a random nick generated for you - 👤Voputy.
If you don''t like it, you can come up with your own and set it with command /nick
Have a nice chat!

[Bot] #EFCX 👤Voputy enteres chat. He's new!

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

Current members in chat
Chat rules
Send private message
Recieve private sent message
Get your account info
Change your nickame
Leave chat for a while
Share this bot
See also