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This bot sends random gifs on command. How awesome is that?!?! It currently has over 500 gifs.

What can do this bot?This bot sends random anime gifs on command.

Use '/animegif' to receive a random gif.
use '/animegif 1' to receive the gif with ID 1. Replace the 1 with any ID to request a specific gif. I will always tell you the ID.

I currently have over 600 gifs in the database. I'm still being worked on so commands might change in the future. Use '/help' or '/start' to get this information again.

I would love it if you leave feedback at

This bot was made by 1 person in his spare time, with limited resources. If you like the bot and want to support the development, feel free to donate some money.

Bitcoin: 33XWLCfBxW1NR2B18wRYwkCaTSGjon5Whw
BitcoinCash: 17DRNeNiRNqUsLBamhHuvi2wiWqbRRvxiq
Dogecoin: DBnR7iNDYy1Tkf1dyGVPdNLJioLZ9n2bXt
Ethereum: 0x4a5b3f1787a9bc9d4aa99e81df5a9814046df013

Keep enjoying the bot!

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

Sends a random gif or specify one with an number.
Sends a random text message.
Information about supporting the development.
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