AIBroadcastBot |
Artificial intelligence text-to-speech conversion bot. Support: Docs:
What can do this bot?Broadcast your channel in Telegram with @AIBroadcastBot that automatically converts text into speech.
What does @AIBroadcastBot do?
a) converts any text sent directly to it into speech;
b) converts texts in public and private channels into speech.
How to use @AIBroadcastBot?
a.1) send the bot any text and it will reply with an audio.
b.1) make @AIBroadcastBot an admin in your channel;
b.2) grant the bot a permission to post messages in the channel;
b.3) forward any message from the channel to the bot and the bot will automatically convert newly appeared messages in the channel.
Additional info
- you can test all usage variants of @AIBroadcastBot using available 1500 characters;
- fund your account using the buttons below to get additional characters.
Your ID = 6828238223
Remaining balance = 0.0
Remaining characters = 1500
Audio is converted in channels with IDs = 6828238223